HRW: Jordan arrested, harassed pro-Palestinian activists

February 6, 2024 - 19:31

Jordanian authorities have arrested and harassed scores of Jordanians who participated in pro-Palestine protests across the country or engaged in online advocacy since October 7, bringing charges against some of them under a new, widely criticized cybercrimes law, Human Rights Watch said.

Since Israel launched its war on Gaza four months ago, thousands of Jordanians have participated in peaceful demonstrations nationwide in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. Jordanian lawyers representing detainees told Human Rights Watch that the authorities have most likely arrested hundreds for their involvement in the protests or online advocacy. 

Human Rights Watch has documented cases in which authorities brought charges against four activists under the new cybercrimes law.

“Jordanian authorities are trampling the right to free expression and assembly in an effort to tamp down Gaza-related activism,” said Lama Fakih, Middle East (West Asia) director at Human Rights Watch. 

The Jordanian Parliament passed the law in August.  

“The law further undermines free speech, threatens internet users’ right to anonymity, and introduces a new authority to control social media, risking a surge in censorship,” according to the HRW.  

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